The Dirty Dozen – The Villains of Aviation Safety

12 Common Causes of Human Factors Errors:

Lack of Communication:
Failure to transmit, receive or provide enough information to complete a task. Never assume anything. Only 30% of verbal communication is received and understood by either side in a conversation. Others usually remember the first and last part of
what you say.
Improve your communication:
• Say the most important things in the beginning and repeat them at the end.
• Use checklists.
Overconfidence from repeated experience performing a task.

Avoid the tendency to see what you expect to see—
• Expect to find errors.
• Don’t sign it if you didn’t do it.
• Use checklists.
• Learn from the mistakes of others.
Lack of Knowledge:
Shortage of the training, information, and/or ability to successfully perform.
Don’t guess, know
• Use current manuals.
• Ask when you don’t know.

Avoid these common causes of mistakes in the aviation workplace:

Anything that draws your attention away from the task at hand.
Distractions are the #1 cause of forgetting things, including what has or
has not been done in a maintenance task.
Get back in the groove after a distraction—
• Use checklists.
• Go back 3 steps when restarting the work.
Lack of Teamwork
Failure to work together to complete a shared goal. Build solid teamwork—
• Discuss how a task should be done.
• Make sure everyone understands and agrees.
• Trust your teammates.
Physical or mental exhaustion threatens work performance. Eliminate fatigue-related performance issues
• Watch for symptoms of fatigue in yourself and others.
• Have others check your work.
Lack of Resources:
Not having enough people, equipment, documentation, time, parts, etc., to complete a task.
Improve supply and support—
• Order parts before they are required.
• Have a plan for pooling or loaning parts.
Real or perceived forces demanding high-level job performance. Reduce the burden of physical or mental distress—
• Communicate concerns.
• Ask for extra help.
• Put safety first.